Sunday, September 19, 2010



發現 隨著年紀慢慢增長 對於周遭的好奇心卻成反比在遞減
是不是 因為現在只對於對自己未來有幫助的在琢磨
只是 為了讓自己多一點點的臺階可以下得很理所當然

回頭看之前的內容 真的覺得自己太過於漠視周遭的一切

其實 不是說自己非得把每一件事看得都跟自己息息相關
只是希望對於周遭的事多一點疑問 多一點揣測與假設
"咦! 為什麼這樣" "他應該會這樣吧" "猜他走左邊還是右邊"

記者 擺明了自己目前最感興趣的工作就是當一名記者
但是現在對於什麼事都理所當然 沒有任何疑問的我 的確是有一點靠北
有人討厭記者 因為他們很煩 雞毛蒜皮也可以寫社論掛獨家
有人喜歡記者 因為他們很勤 帶領其他人進入黑簾後的世界

你看!! 說到這... 自然而然都在講與自己未來有關的東西
對於今天的所見所聞沒有一個字去提及 更沒有想讓它出現的感覺
再這樣下去 往後的生活肯定會他媽的無聊透頂

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sweet Memories


Is it stupid when u are afraid of losing? 
Things might not last,
Well..Its more true to say that..
Things WILL not last..

But no matter how things get,
the process is often more worth the treasure and appreciation than the result..

The journey that you have been through together..
Is priceless..
The destination that you might reach..
Is unpredictable..
Enjoy and appreciate while it last..
Because you never know,
how things will be tomorrow..

I might not be there to listen to you anymore..
I might not be there to care about you anymore..
I might not be there to nag anymore..
but remember,
I was always there.. 
and that I love you..
so love yourself..
and be strong! 
loving youself simply means me loving you.. 

After all, its such sweet memories that will last forever in my heart!

By Kerren.Siewlin

Sunday, September 12, 2010



Almost got hit by a train back few days ago..
Thank god, I manage to survive through..
It made me think..
What will happen if i didnt have enough time to run?
The person i will miss the most and feel sorry the most to..
Will be my Daddy.. 
Because I love him more than anything else..
and I promise, I will take good care of myself and not let anything bad happen..

During the my 3 days holidays this weekend,
I witnessed a robbery,
followed by some stranger but luckily manage to run away from him..
Saw an accident in the day and heard that the man died on spot..
Life is always so uncertain..
U never know what will happen..
No matter what it is..
Appreciate those around you..
Appreciate all the great moments u have..

Remember all the happiness,
put aside all the hatreds..
For every second that you are sad or angry,
you lost a precious second of happiness..

by Kerren.Siewlin

Thursday, September 9, 2010



It was random..
And we did something crazy today..
Webcam, chatting, singing and funny jokes! 

but I am lovin' it! 

I am always proud to tell people how we have met, 
coz i really think that this is so drama yet cool! 
and its all 'Fate'!
and Im also proud of how well we can click!
Its more than a month now? issit?
but it felt as if we have known each other longer..

hope this friendship will last forever!

told you about the train incident,
you said, i cant hurt myself, i cant die..coz we havnt meet..thats so sweet.. 
so no matter what happens, i promise i wil never hurt myself..because i know..
there is someone at the other side of the world, caring, worrying..

by Kerren.Siewlin

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



是狗狗 他的名字叫 "爽哥" 英文名字是  Song A

八個月了 越來越可愛 終於可以新增文章啦

很晚了 明天要選課......有一點睏了

Good Night!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

D' Bright Side


Stop poisoning my mind with negative thoughts..
I know i might not even get through it..
but at least i am trying my best now..

Well, u are right..
I am not trying hard enough..
I hate myself for being so slack too!
Damn sick of myself..

I feel like going somewhere..
With no distraction..
Just me and my books! 

I kinda understand why people commit suicide or do silly things due to stress..
Guess, its the pressure that u feel..
Everyday when u wake up..
U feel it..and its haunting u..
Dun worry, i wont be that silly to do such things..
I am always trying to calm myself no matter what..

No matter what the outcome will be..
I will accept it..
Coz i have noone else to blame but myself..
Nevertheless, i will JIAYOU!! :) 

Dear friends, please do give me a hand and help me through k.. 
I might need to turn you down sometimes but pls understand..
No life for now..
No pain, no gain! 

I believe there is always a bright side of everything that happened!

By Kerren.Siewlin